October 16

Psalm 86 / Read

  • Take your time reading through this psalm. What about David’s (the author) words most grab your attention? Why?

  • How does David posture himself in relation to God throughout this psalm? What do you think is the connection between acknowledging our needs and God meeting our needs?

  • Is there anywhere in your life in which you feel “poor and needy” (vv. 1)? Consider your life physically, spiritually, emotionally and relationally when answering that question.

Close today’s reading and reflection by praying with God. Be honest with him about your place of need and invite him to meet it. Believe that he hears you and will respond with your best in mind. Invite him to give you a “sign of his goodness” (vv. 17).

Do you sense God saying anything to you about your place of need as you pray with him? Is he inviting you to respond to him in any particular way?