October 17

Colossians 1:15-23 / Read

We started our reading of Colossians earlier this week with the question, “Who is Jesus to you?” Today we read who Paul declared Jesus to be - and his words are transformational for those who choose to reflect on them.

Read through the passage several times. Then consider the following:

  • Of all that Paul wrote about Jesus (“the Son”) in vv. 15-20, what most grabs your attention? Why?

  • Imagine you were a member of the Colossian church. How would you have received vv. 21? Do you understand what Paul said? Do you agree with it?

  • What is the good news the Paul expresses in vv. 22-23? It is one thing to hear good news, but how do we live in it? In other words, how does the good news expressed in this passage become our reality?