July 29

1 Corinthians 10:24-11:1 / Read

“Eat anything… Eat whatever… Do not eat it.”

Perhaps Paul’s audience was wondering, “Which is it? If we’re going to follow God and be obedient to his commands, which is it?”

Because it was the posture of the heart that was at hand and the principal for living that he was laying down, it seems as those Paul’s answer was both. And. Either.

  • What does this passage reveal about Paul’s perspective on Christian freedom? How is a Christian to live out their freedom in Christ according to this passage?

  • Where do you find it difficult to not just “seek [your] own good, but the good of others?” (vv. 24) Be as specific as possible. What makes it difficult?

  • What would it look like for you to do everything “for the glory of God”? (vv. 31) In other words, what would it look like for you to make every decision based on what would bring him the most attention, honor and praise?

  • Read and really consider what Paul wrote in Ch. 11, vv. 1. How do his words grab your attention? Who are you following in your journey of faith? Who is serving as a living example of Jesus to you? If you can’t identify anyone, invite the Lord to reveal that person to you.