May 4

Psalm 92 / Read

What are the actions of the psalmist described in vv. 1-3? What motivated these actions?

  • What, specifically, did the psalm writer see and hear God do? What response did that cause in the writer? How did the Lord’s actions change how the writer saw the world around him? How did it impact how he responded to difficult people and challenging circumstances?

  • What are your regular rhythms of reflection and response related to God’s work in your life and the world around you? If you don’t have any, what might be one that you can start incorporating into your daily life? What might you have to stop doing to make space for your new rhythm? Who will you share your plan with to encourage you?

Verses 12-15 provide a picture of “the righteous” - that is, those who can stand pure, faultless and in right relationship with God. The Bible declares that no one is righteous on their own merit, but that anyone can be righteous through the merit of Jesus Christ.

Faith in Jesus means believing that he is perfect and sharing in his perfection before the Father. It means admitting that we fall short of God’s law and confessing our sin, dying to our old lives and coming to new life in the identity of the risen Christ.

  • How often do you intentionally reflect on the Cross and the Resurrection and what they mean for your life? How might doing so change the way you see God, people and your life’s purpose?

  • Based on today’s reading and the prompts above, what is standing out most to you? What do you sense God saying to you and how will you respond?