March 19

19 // Hebrews 11:8 / Read; Genesis 17 / Read

In today’s reading from Genesis, we see that Abram was 99 years old when God reaffirms their covenant. Based on our readings of Abram’s life so far, this moment occurred 24 years after God first initiated the covenant with Abram (see Genesis 12).

  • Why do you think God took so long to fulfill his promise to Abram?

  • What is character? Who in your life serves as an example of someone who exemplifies high character?

  • What is the connection between high character and living by faith?

Take a moment to reflect on what the Lord has called you to do - either the call he gives all Believers through the Bible or a particular expression of that call that you sense he has put on your life.

  • Where does he seem slow in “making things happen” related to your call? In what way(s) might he be growing your character so that you are equipped to live out your call in ways that represent him well? How does focusing on Jesus, the cross and the empty tomb encourage and empower you to wait patiently and faithfully for God to fulfill his promises to you?