April 12

12 // Hebrews 11:24-25 / Read; Exodus 2:5-25 / Read

In vv. 5-9 of Exodus 2, we read of God’s incredible grace and provision. The Egyptian king had ordered all newborn males to be killed. Yet Moses’ parents resisted their earthly king and followed the King of their hearts by saving his life rather than destroying it.

Think of what it must have been like for them to eventually pack their three-month-old child in a basket and place him at river’s edge. Think of the fear and anxiety that they battled within. Think of how passionately they must have prayed.

Moses is found by, of all people, the daughter of the king. This surely should have been the end for him. Yet her heart is soft enough to look with compassion on the baby that was before her. Incredibly, God works to reunite Moses and his mother, who not only helps raise him but is paid to do so!

Then in vv. 10, Moses is given to be the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He would never again live with his real parents and would be raised as an Egyptian. Yet, as we read in the rest of Chapter 2, the truth of God and love for his people would never leave him.

  • Who are your children? (Regardless of whether or not you have biological children, think of those who you love and have influence over. In other words, who is following you?) How intentional are you at training them in the ways of God? What would it look like for you to do so?

  • Who are your parents? (Again, not necessarily biological.) The real question is, Who is influencing you? Who is showing you the way and helping you grow?

  • Is there someone in your life who is showing you the way of God? If so, are you intentional about learning from this person? If not, will you seek this person out?