April 13

13 // Hebrews 11:24-27 / Read

Reflect on what we’ve read of Moses’ story so far (see April 11 and 12 readings), then work through the following questions:

  • Where in your life have you experienced comfort? luxury? power? control? Be as specific as possible for each.

  • Moses was raised in Egyptian royalty. Imagine the opportunities and experiences that must have been given to him. Yet he chose to give it up by identifying with God’s people - the Hebrew people. What do you think it was like for him to lose the life he had enjoyed for so long and flee to the desert? (see Exodus 2:15)

  • The writer of Hebrews says that Moses lost everything “for the sake of Christ” (11:26). How could this be given that he lived more than 1,500 years before Jesus? What was the author saying?

Jesus made claims on several occasions that all of the Scriptures were about him. Re-read Hebrews 11:26, then consider this slight re-wording: Jesus regarded disgrace as of greater value than the treasures of the world, because he was looking ahead to his reward.

The text is no longer about Moses obedience to the Lord, but about the Son’s obedience to the Father. On the cross, Jesus was the most disgraced person who’s ever lived - ridiculed, mocked, bruised and bloodied, punished for crimes he didn’t commit.

He gave up the adoration of men and the affection of heaven for the sake of the future - a future in which God’s people would no longer be cut off from God because of their sin, but one in which they would be connected with him because of Christ’s righteousness.

Do you see what Scripture is saying? Is this your reality? If so, how do you sense the Lord leading you to respond today?