August 28

Psalm 78: 1-39 / Read

What is your heritage?

Regardless of our story, each of us is defined to some degree by those who have come before us. Taking time to reflect on on our social history - from our nuclear family to our national context - is helpful for learning from both the successes and failures of the past and identifying the things that we want to pass on to the next generation.

Psalm 78 is all about looking back to learn and to lead. The writer chronicles the waywardness of his ancestors and the goodness and grace of God, all with the intention of encouraging his peers and their future generations to remain faithful to the Lord.

  • What most grabs your attention about today’s passage? Is there anything in particular that resonates with your own life?

  • What is your “spiritual heritage”? Who has come before you that serves as a positive example of what it means to follow Jesus and live for him?

  • As it relates to your faith in Jesus and your relationship with God, what are you intentional about passing on? This doesn’t just apply to nuclear families with kids. Every Christian is called to make disciples, which means using their words and actions to teach others to live faithfully to God. So, then: What will be your spiritual heritage?