August 29

Exodus 17 / Read

As we reflect on the journeys of God’s people throughout the Bible - and, frankly, on our own journeys - it seems fair to say that following God is both clear and unclear.

We cannot claim to have no answers nor direction because he has spoken to us in various ways: the Scriptures, our prayers, our circumstances and our relationships. He has revealed himself and shown us the way to real, full, lasting life - most clearly and powerfully in Jesus Christ. He has told us who we are, why we’re here and where we’re going if we choose to walk with him.

Yet the details of the journey are often unclear, at least to us. How and when can seem hazy at best and hidden at worst.

This was the test for Moses and for anyone who will respond to God’s call to lead in his kingdom. Nothing seems to promote anxiety, anger and dissension like the unknown. Even though the Israelites chose to follow Moses out of Egypt and witnessed God’s miraculous protection and provision as he led them to freedom, the unanswered hows and whens caused them to doubt God and resent Moses.

Moses felt the pressure that came with leading without answers (vv. 2, 4). Yet he lead by example, taking his own questions and frustrations (and anger?) to the Lord.

  • What do you sense to be the current journey God is asking you to take with him? (It could be big or small - a move across the country, starting a business, building relationships with your neighbors, serving your spouse, ceasing to gossip… whatever.)

  • Who is going with you on your journey? Are they people you chose, people who chose you or people God chose for you?

  • How, specifically, do you feel challenged when the way forward is unclear? Do you have a prayer life that can sufficiently prepare you for moments of doubt and attacks on your faith - either from within or from others?

End today’s reading and reflection by meditating on the life of Jesus. How does his journey to the cross and his victory over sin and death inform your own journey? What word of grace do you sense that he has for you as you follow him and lead others?